jellyfish - how to deal with a sting and a few words about the most dangerous of them

-It is important to know that jellyfish do not naturally attack humans, they usually do it in defense when we accidentally touch them. When it happens, it is worth knowing how to behave.

-You need to wash the area with seawater (it is important that it is not freshwater) and then use tweezers to remove any remnants of the jellyfish body. Wipe the skin area with vinegar or alcohol, (not in the case of Portuguese man-of-war stings). Then, to relieve the pain, we can use cold and warm compresses.

-Sea Wasp is one of the most dangerous jellyfish. It's almost transparent which makes it really hard to spot. The sea wasp hunts during the day in shallow water, which makes it easy to encounter it, e.g. while swimming on the beach. An extremely small dose of its poison (comparable to a grain of salt) can kill an adult man. It reaches up to 3 m long.


  1. Where do Sea Wasps live? It would be good to know which seas to avoid!


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