
 Axalotes are truly charming creatures. I had the opportunity to see them for the first time at the Gdynia Oceanarium, which I visited last week. Everyone was interested in them and I learned some interesting facts about them.

 Axalotes occur in the natural environment only in one place - Lake Xochimilco in Mexico City. However, they began to be widely bred for scientific purposes and as pets. Axelots are larval throughout their entire lives. Because they do not grow up, some features do not change, e.g. they get food by sucking because they have no teeth. When they eat, they look as if they were smiling.

 Axelots are carnivorous, eating fish, insects, and crustaceans. When the situation is difficult, they may even bite off a piece of their friend's body. Fortunately, axelots have an incredible ability to regenerate and are able to grow the missing body part without any problems.''Fish are capable of regenerating tails and limbs, but axolotls take this ability up a notch by regenerating jaws, spinal cords, skin, ovary and lung tissue , and even portions of their hearts and brains''. This ability is eagerly studied by scientists.


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