Barreleye- fish with transparent head

Barreleye is a fish that lives at great depths. Her transparent forehead makes her stand out. You can easily see her eyeballs through it.

Until 2009, scientists thought that fish could only see above themselves, but Bruce Robison and Kim Reisenbichler proved that their eyes are movable. 

Like most deep-water fish, changes in their appearance serve to adapt to life at depth. In their case, to notice food floating above them e.g. siphonophores, and to capture more light. The eyes are light green, probably to attract the attention of victims. They are surrounded by a space filled with a transparent liquid. The fish's head is very delicate and only one of many attempts to catch the fish without damage was successful.

One of their most common foods is jelly. They reach up to 10 m in length. They have many stinging tentacles. The space above the eyes protects the fish from burns.

I believe life in the ocean is as exciting as life beyond Earth. Humans have only discovered 5% of the geography of the underwater world. 

Thank you for reading this post.

Anna Sepioło


  1. Your post is very interesting but too long. Keep to the word limit in the future.


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